280 HP
Flip a coin. If heads, attack damage doubles. If tails, attack damage is halved.
260 HP
270 HP
250 HP
260 HP
270 HP
Flip a coin. If heads, opponent skips next turn. Status effects still apply. They still draw a card and they may choose to make their active Hermit go AFK. "Time Skip" can not be used consecutively if successful. Opponent can not skip 2 consecutive turns.
270 HP
Heal Hermit directly to the left and right of this card for 40hp.
290 HP
At the end of your turn, both players must replace active Hermits with AFK Hermits. Opponent replaces their Hermit first. If there are no AFK Hermits, active Hermit remains in battle.
300 HP
Burn opposing active Hermit. Burn adds 20hp damage at the end of each of your turns.
Remove poison or bad omen on active or AFK Hermit. OR can be attached to prevent poison or bad omen.
Look through your discard pile and select 1 card to return to your hand. Can not return "Clock" to your hand.
Do an additional 20hp damage to up to 3 Hermits of your choice. Can not apply the damage to the same Hermit more than once.
Steal or swap the attached effect card of your opponent's active Hermit.
Discard 1 item, effect or AFK Hermit card on your board. You can use another single use effect card this turn.
Prevent up to 20hp damage taken.
Do an additional 20hp damage.
Attach to any of your active or AFK Hermits. All damage done to you on your opponent's next turn is taken by the Hermit this card is attached to. Discard after damage is taken.
Move 1 of your attached item cards to an adjacent active or AFK Hermit row.
Opponent's active Hermit type is now weak to your active Hermit type for 3 turns.
Heal each of your active and AFK Hermits 20hp.